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Team Leaders

Jo Gambosi

Jo Gambosi is one of the founders of the East Valley Christian Women’s Ministry Connection (EVCWMC) and serves as president. Her personal mission is to worship God with her whole heart, mind, and physical self, and act to bring the hope and Good News of Jesus to others. She is a warrior of the Great Commission who wants to be a woman who stands for those who cannot stand for themselves and for what is right with conviction and boldness no matter the cost. Jo’s favorite quote is: The best exercise for the heart is reaching down to help someone else up. One of her favorite scriptures is Isaiah 61:1-7.

Jo Gambosi

Susan Paulson serves as EVCWMC Vice President.  She is a native of Arizona and graduated from Arizona State University. Sue is the daughter of a WWII veteran who loves her Italian heritage and family.  Her life as a prodigal that returned home is a "Trophy of God’s Amazing Grace". Sue says that God redeemed her and has restored her heart back to Jesus. She has a heart for the incarcerated and served as a former Executive Board Member for Good News Jail & Prison Ministry in Florence. Her passion is Marketplace Ministry and she has served as a sales executive in military retail, Christian publishing, and faith gifts.  Sue has been married to her husband Steven for 18 years and she enjoys spending time with family, her beloved Shi Tzu pup, Mario, reading the bible, and hiking.   Sue's favorite scripture is Philippians 3:13: This one thing I do: forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are ahead.

Sue Paulson

Susan Paulson





Pam Corbett

Pam Corbett

Pam Corbett serves as EVCWMC treasurer. Her journey with the Lord began 24 years ago after being delivered from drug addiction and a sinful lifestyle. Pam says that since that time, God has continued to transform her through His Word and the power of His Love. Pam has a purpose and a passion to share the hope of Christ with others and to impart the love, peace and joy that comes from knowing Him. She says that it is an honor and privilege to serve with other Women Ignited with a Purpose. Pam’s favorite scriptures are “All things are possible with Christ” and “He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world”. Philippians 4:13 1 John 4:4

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