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What Makes EVCWMC Different
Although there are many wonderful Christian women’s ministries available in the Valley and beyond,
and EVCWMC incorporates some aspects of other ministry offerings such as major faith events,
Bible/devotional studies, gatherings, and community service projects, we have a “More than Just Us”
mindset and mission.
We are Ignitedwomen.
Our overarching goal is focused on connection and support, acting as a resource and partnering to impact lives.
We are made up of multi-church members (not only one church) so we advocate Christian unity vs. individual church territory and silos in our programs, gatherings, and events. We believe that the world needs to see “the church” acting together not as individual churches.
We act as a connection and support ministry for other organizations allowing them to maintain autonomy but sharing our knowledge and abilities to act as a resource.
We are a collaborative ministry for partnership with community organizations, likeminded charitable organizations and businesswomen to impact lives in our valley, communities, and our country.
We are the go-to organization for Christian women’s ministry training and personal growth and development for individual women, community organizations with similar missions and Christian faith women’s groups,